"Discover how to create calm in less than 30 days
even if there's chaos all around you!"
Build a Life that doesn't feel so hard with the Relationship IQ Group Coaching Program!
Within 30 days you will know EXACTLY how to create more peace, connection, productivity, and self-care in your life.
Risk-Free so you can have peace of mind when you invest. You can cancel at anytime!
Join now and get $100 off first month!
What does overwhelm & fulfillment have to do with relationships?
It's No Wonder My Clients Are RAVING About
My Unique Approach to Helping Them Have a Better Life through their Relationship with Themselves and Others!
WITH Results Like These...
“Aerica has helped me to find find my true self again!"
“I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me since starting her program!”
" has helped me to think first before reacting!"
Real Clients! Real Results!
Which Result Would You Like to Experience?
Discover how Busy women Are transforming their life.
It doesn't just "look" good it Feels good!

I have a type-A personality and my husband is the exact opposite. I'm always taking charge and wanting things done my way because my way is faster and feels more efficient. This was causing a lot of tension and resentment in my marriage. Thankfully I found Aerica who was able to show me that not everyone is the same and that's ok. She has shown me how to think first before reacting which has helped communication with my husband. ”
Heather Smith
Nurse Practitioner/Med-Spa Owner
“I have more peace. So glad I joined!"
“Recently I’ve been struggling to navigate through unforeseen transitions in my life. I found Aerica’s group class and it’s impacted the way I view others and myself. The group class has taught me how to take my emotions and regulate them in difficult situations. I now have the ability to be raw while making situations neutral. By creating a neutral/non-negative thought process, I have more peace. So glad I joined!"
Anonymous Group Member
“Aerica has given me tools I need to help me prioritize my life!”
“Aerica has helped me to find my true self again. I allowed stress and the actions of others to control me. I felt as though I was losing control of my life. Aerica has given me the tools need to help me prioritize my life. Her method of coaching has given me the ability to focus on what I can control, while building up my confidence and self worth. Aerica is an absolute blessing. ”
Shelinta Perez
Curriculum Director
Adulting is HARD. Especially if you don't know how to navigate the difficult times, right?!
Creating an amazing relationship with yourself and others is even more difficult. Interacting with your husband, kids, in-laws, parents, etc. can be draining when you're trying to juggle all of the demands of home, work and just life in general.
If you’re like most of my clients before they start working with me, then you probably think if your husband would just change, if the kids would behave, if you felt appreciated, if there was more connection, and if everything didn't fall on you life would be so much better, right?...
This is something I want to help you fix.
Many of my clients were afraid that they would continue to go through life from one day to the next just existing not living. No real connection.
For a few of my clients before they started working with me there are two options: divorce or spend the rest of their life stuck and unfulfilled.
The Cold Hard Truth...
if you don't release the 5 main blocks to peace you will remain defeated.
And feeling defeated creates a dismal existence.
Show me JUST ONE woman who loves her life but has a mediocre relationship with herself.
You can't!
That's because they know what you may not have realized until just now.
In order to thrive and be fulfilled in your life you MUST have an amazing relationship with yourself.
Why I'm NOt Charging as Much as I Should for this Program
Since starting my coaching business, I've helped countless women become a better version. This allows me to help more women thrive.
And having premium prices allowed me to attract highly committed clients!
My one-on-one clients pay between $5,000 - $15,000 to work with me.
So in regards to the Relationship IQ program, I do not offer anything this inexpensive!
So, why now?
Over the past few years, I've seen many awesome women struggle with feeling unfulfilled in their marriage and life. They stay stuck and just wish their life was better.
Some of my clients were facing two decisions: either get a divorce or live the rest of their life unfulfilled.
Relationship IQ is ESSENTIAL. And when you finally change the relationship you have with yourself just consider how much peace and fulfillment you will have.
If you would like my help and guidance in doing that, your initial investment is just $397.
...and remember! If you don't have more peace within 30 days, you can cancel! So what do you really have to lose?
And by passing up on this one-time-offer, are you really saying that creating a better life is NOT worth $397 to you?
Let's hope not!
So, if you are ready to finally create a life you can love more, get registered by clicking the link below and I'll see you on the next call!

I was Struggling with all of these roles and feeling like I was drowning every day."
"I felt like I had known her for years as she is so easy to talk to. Being a Business Owner, Wife, Mom, and Friend, I was struggling with juggling all of these roles and feeling like I was drowning every day. Aerica has given me tools to help navigate hard situations and has also taught me to give myself grace. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me since starting her program and implementing the things I have learned from her. If you are looking for a Life Coach, especially if you are a Type A Personality such as myself, Aerica is it!”
Ashley Smith
Roofing Company Owner
Only $497 per month

Relationship IQ Program with Private Coaching Upgrade
$594/ MONTH
Up-level Your Transformation
Get Instant Access Now!It’s time to give your relationships (and LIFE!)
the transformation you deserve!
Just like my clients...

“During heated conversation or moments I started finding myself pausing mentally.”
“I have always been an intense person, and trying to ignore my emotions away caused an unhealthy buildup.
I was bogged down in a lot of over-thinking/negative self-talk. All this mind-drama was taking a lot of time and energy and sucking the joy out of life while creating unnecessary friction in my relationships.
The harder I worked to will myself out, the deeper I sank.
Aerica helped me find my own answers. Aerica offered perspective that allowed me to progress in a way I couldn't on my own without ever trying to impose a prepackaged idea or force any answers that didn't feel true for me. Coming to a conclusion that really resonates is critical for sustainability, and Aerica was as committed to that as I was.
When during a heated conversation or moments of irritation or emotion, I started finding myself pausing to mentally go through the modeling exercise and apply it real time, I knew this had been well worth the time and effort spent!
Aerica can't do the work for you, but she will be there to weigh in, to call out areas where you may need to fine tune, and to support your efforts. I would highly recommend Aerica, and I feel so grateful she was recommended to me.”
C. Lee
Human Resources
© Aerica Sanders Coaching 2022. All Rights Reserved.